SQL Group By 复杂查询
MySql 5.7以前支持 group by 查询的字段不在 group by 的字段中 默认选第一行 而5.7以后不支持这样的写法 同事就写出了以下的代码
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| SELECT max(mi.item_name), max(mi.item_unit), max(mi.item_specification), max(mi.item_pics), sc.item_barcode, IF(scuh.use_type = '3', '1', '0') use_type, SUM(scuh.purchase_num) AS quantity FROM shop_card_use_history scuh LEFT JOIN shop_card sc ON scuh.card_id = sc.card_id LEFT JOIN ( SELECT mi.item_barcode, mi.item_pics, item_name, item_store, mi.item_unit, mi.item_specification FROM mall_item mi WHERE mi.item_id = ( SELECT item_id FROM mall_item mi1 WHERE mi.item_barcode = mi1.item_barcode AND mi.item_store = mi1.item_store ORDER BY mi1.item_status ASC, IFNULL(mi1.update_time, NOW()) DESC LIMIT 1 ) ) mi ON sc.item_barcode = mi.item_barcode AND scuh.mall_id = mi.item_store WHERE scuh.shop_receipt_id = "ps_31707080856260608" GROUP BY sc.item_barcode, scuh.use_type, scuh.mall_id ORDER BY quantity DESC
应该把 group by 放在里层 外层去关联只需要一行数据的其他表
修改成正常 使用group by的写法
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| SELECT b.item_name, b.item_unit, b.item_specification, b.item_pics, a.* FROM ( SELECT scuh.item_barcode, sc.item_id, scuh.use_type, sum(scuh.purchase_num) FROM shop_card_use_history scuh LEFT JOIN shop_card sc ON scuh.card_id = sc.card_id WHERE scuh.shop_receipt_id = "ps_31707080856260608" GROUP BY scuh.item_barcode, sc.item_id, scuh.use_type ) a left join mall_item b on(a.item_id = b.item_id) where 1=1
再修改 查询最新商品的逻辑 原有的逻辑太复杂 涉及到上架下架 逻辑删除之类的 实际上 item_id 最大的版本 一般就是最新的数据
实在不行 java中处理商品信息也可以
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| SELECT b.item_name, b.item_unit, b.item_specification, b.item_pics, a.* FROM ( SELECT scuh.item_barcode, scuh.use_type, sum( scuh.purchase_num ) FROM shop_card_use_history scuh LEFT JOIN shop_card sc ON scuh.card_id = sc.card_id WHERE scuh.shop_receipt_id = "ps_31707080856260608" GROUP BY scuh.item_barcode, scuh.use_type ) a LEFT JOIN ( SELECT mb.* FROM ( SELECT item_barcode, item_store, max( item_id ) AS item_id FROM mall_item GROUP BY item_barcode, item_store ) ma LEFT JOIN mall_item mb ON ( ma.item_id = mb.item_id ) ) b ON ( a.item_barcode = b.item_barcode ) WHERE 1 = 1